Karbofos: instructions for use in the garden, precautions

karbofos instructions for use in the garden
Karbofos instructions for use in the garden

Good day. I always have problems with a small garden. A year ago, the activities of various pests almost led to the death of my plants.

I already wanted to give up my hand once and stop caring for the garden. But it’s not in my rules to give up!

I decided to study the topic in more detail. As a result, she found an effective remedy against numerous pests in the garden. Now I want to share valuable information with you, friends. In the article below I will write in detail about karbofos and instructions for using this product in the garden.

Karbofos, instructions for use in the garden

An insecticide with a well-deserved reputation for many years is kalbofos (from a broad spectrum of drugs), used from pests that fill the garden with many in its suburban areas. That karbofos, in which there are not many rivals in this field.

Plants on which the drug successfully works: all types of fruit (and coniferous) trees and shrubs, berry plants, garden and melon (watermelon, melon) crops, ornamental plants and flowers. The use of karbofos gives a positive result in getting rid of pests of most garden inhabitants.

A lot of sucking and gnawing species of insects, ticks and their larvae, aphids, scale insects, gall midges, mealybug, kidney moth, whitefly - this is the spectrum of the drug in the country.

Pest Warranty

Karbofos has a significant advantage over many highly toxic insecticides - the short duration of action. The duration of its activity is limited to 5-14 days after application, then the destruction of the drug occurs.

The active substance - malathion, is included in the category of organophosphorus compounds. On its basis, many drugs are produced that are approved for use in private gardens: Fufanon, Inta-TsM, Fenaksin-plus, Atkellik, Iskra-M and others.

Karbofos has a specific unpleasant odor, which disappears some time after application. When combined with water forms a stable emulsion. The main method of use in the garden is spraying.

Insecticide protection for fruit trees and shrubs

If in the previous year there were big losses in the orchard from the invasion of pests, it will be necessary to start fighting them in the new season in the early spring.There is every reason to believe that many clutches have been deposited on the trees and under them, from which new generations of crop destroyers will emerge with the onset of heat.

Unfortunately, kalbofos, like other organophosphorus poisons, acts only on adults, through the intestines. Therefore, its use for processing pupae and oviposites in the garden is useless. It is necessary to wait for the first pest exits.

Insects and their larvae begin active nutrition during the budding of the buds and during the extension and isolation of flower buds. The time for spraying must be calculated very accurately in order to surely cause damage to pests, but so that useful garden residents will not suffer from its use.

After a short time, the departure of bumblebees, bees, predatory insects (ladybugs and others) begins, which should not be affected by the poison.

The second mass exit of larvae and female insects in the garden occurs during budding, when flower buds turn pink. At this time, many species of fruit mites appear, the activity of the moth, sawflies, leaf flies, aphids begins. During this period, the repeated use of kalbofos is appropriate.

The fight against a spider mite, causing significant damage to all types of currants and gooseberries, is also carried out in two steps. The first use of the kalbofos solution is performed during the opening of the kidneys, which begins with the currant very early - one of the first in the country.

The second spraying is recommended before flowering, during the period of extension of the flower brush.

It should not be allowed at the karbofos treatment site of one tree or bush more than two times in the current season. The rate of malathion (per 10 liters of water):

  • For fruit trees - 90 gr;
  • For berry bushes - 75 gr.

Someone may consider the weight of the drug somewhat exaggerated than recommended in the instructions, however, it should be borne in mind that a variety of sucking-gnawing pests have also adapted to it.

The consumption of the resulting solution, as a rule, on a large tree is up to 10 liters, on an adult bush 1-1.5 liters. Harvesting fruits and berries in the garden can begin no less than a month after the final spraying with an insecticide.

Processing strawberries (garden strawberries) with the use of the drug

The main objects of struggle on strawberry beds, against which karbofos is effective, are raspberry-strawberry weevil and strawberry mite.

Many are familiar with the feeling of disappointment and frustration when, on the well-groomed beds of this garden berry on large, healthy flower stalks, the buds break one by one and fall to the ground. Instead of the long-awaited ovaries, bare stems remain. This is the boss of this weevil.

Spraying strawberry beds with a karbofos solution begins when the soil temperature reaches 8 degrees and the mass weevil begins. If you have time with processing before the buds are separated on the stem, you can get tangible results.

The real disaster striking these plantings in summer cottages and in amateur gardens was the strawberry tick. Due to its distribution, beds with a favorite berry have disappeared from many garden plots. The tick sucks the plant sap, it weakens, the leaves curl, the strawberries are smaller and deformed. Often the tick comes to us with expensive elite seedlings.

Treatment against strawberry mites in the garden is carried out in August. After harvesting, the leaves are mowed and each strawberry outlet is shed with a watering can with a warm insecticide solution. For several hours, the bed is closed with a film.
Such treatment will help get rid of not only the tick, but also other pests. The consumption rate is 1 package in 60 g per 8 liters of water.

Security measures when using the drug in the garden and cottage area

Before working with the drug near the beds with green crops, be sure to cover them with plastic wrap.

Do not use an insecticide during the flowering of fruit and ornamental plants, so as not to destroy the bees. Seal the hives nearby for 5 days.

Read carefully before applying the name on the package: some manage to confuse the insecticide “Karbofos” with the nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer “Ammophos”.

To work with the drug, select the appropriate weather: calm or light wind, low (up to 15-18 degrees) temperature.

Instructions for the use of karbofos in the garden

Despite the abundance of modern means of controlling insects, gardeners still prefer time-tested karbofos. The drug is used to combat numerous types of pests of horticultural crops: vegetables, melons, fruit and berry shrubs and trees, berries, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants.

Drug characteristics

Karbofos is used to combat numerous pests. Refers to organophosphorus compounds (FOS). It is an insecticidal-acaricidal drug, half consists of malathion. In its pure form, malathion is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor of an oily consistency.

Karbofos is easily soluble in water, forming a stable emulsion. At low temperatures thickens, while maintaining toxicity.

Karbofos is produced by several manufacturers in various forms (liquid, granules, powder, tablets, emulsions), with various additives and in different concentrations (Alatar, Antikleshch, Atkellik, Inta-TsM, Iskra-M, Karbofos, Fenaksin-plus, Fufanonova )

Fragrances with a sharp unpleasant odor are added to all preparations to increase the safety of animals and people. After application, the smell quickly disappears.

Refers to drugs of the third group (medium degree) of danger, not very phytotoxic. The popularity of malathion is due to its high efficiency.

The creators of the first insecticidal drugs based on malathion are experts of the American Cyanamid Company. Appearing on the market in 1950 under the name TM4049, the drug was later renamed malaton, and then malathion.

Research in this area has also been conducted in the Soviet Union. In 1952, regardless of American developments, chemical scientists K.D. Shevtsova-Shilovskaya and N.N. Melnikov received domestic malathion. The drug, which began to be produced for agriculture and sanitary disinfection, was called karbofos.

Drug action

Karbofos instantly relieves plants from pests. The drug karbofos:

  • Contact insecticide and acaricide. It acts only on direct contact with an insect. The “hidden” insect does not die and is capable of producing offspring.
  • It has a protective effect only on those parts of the plant with which it is in contact. The advantages of contact preparations include quick, almost instant disposal of plants from pests.
  • Short-acting drug. It quickly collapses under the influence of the sun, air, water. Complete decomposition during the processing of plants in open ground occurs 7-10 days after application, and in greenhouses after a week. Carbophos is removed from plants within a week.
  • Refers to a group of continuous means. Destroys several types of insects and larvae at the same time. Regular use can form resistance (addiction).

The International Health Organization annually purchases and transmits thousands of tons of Anophles mosquito control agent, which are carriers of malaria.

Application area

Karbofos is widely used in many fields. It is used in agriculture and forestry, household, sanitary and medical pest control, to control pests of food and seed stocks.

In gardening and horticulture it is used to combat gnawing, herbivorous and sucking insects, their larvae and caterpillars:

  • guards;
  • aphids;
  • red and spider mites;
  • bedbugs;
  • thrips;
  • gall midges;
  • whiteflies;
  • tinkered eggs;
  • kidney moth;
  • sawflies;
  • weevils;
  • codling moths;
  • mealybugs;
  • cicadas;
  • bean spit;
  • pea weevil;
  • flies.

Karbofos affects beneficial pollinating insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees. It cannot be used during active flowering and sprayed within a radius of less than 5 kilometers from the hives.

Processing Rules

The most common method for treating plants with karbofos in the garden is spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, quiet weather without wind and rain at a temperature not lower than + 15ºС, in the morning or evening hours. The spray solution must be freshly prepared.

Spray until completely wetted with a solution of the leaves and stems of the plant. Dosage is determined using instructions for use in the garden, taking into account the treatment area, degree of damage, type of plants and pests.

During the season, it is advisable to process plants no more than two times.

Recommendations for the treatment of Karbofos

Follow recommendations for treatment with malathion. Raspberries and blackberries. Raspberries and blackberries are first processed in early spring before flowering. Secondarily after picking berries.

Karbofos rescues shrubs from aphids, bud moths, ticks, weevils, raspberry-strawberry beetle. Consumption rate of 75 grams of funds per bucket of water. 10 bushes require up to 2 liters of working solution.

Currant. Currant insecticide eliminates leaflets, scale insects, kidney moths, gall midges, sawfly, aphids, ticks.

Processing is carried out three times per season:

  • during swelling and opening of the kidneys;
  • during the formation of a flower brush;
  • the last time 30 days before the berries ripen.

A working solution is prepared from 75 grams of the product in a bucket of water, based on: one and a half liters per currant bush.

In case of severe damage to the bushes by spider and red mites, in the autumn, additionally currant bushes and the soil beneath them are abundantly moistened with a 2% solution of malathion.

Gooseberry. Gooseberry karbofos protects against leaf moths, moths, moths, sawflies, spiderwebs and red ticks.

A liter of working solution of 60 grams of malathion and 8 liters of water is enough for one bush. Last processing a month before harvest.

Floral and ornamental shrubs. To protect shrubs (roses, jasmine, barberry, spirea, cotoneaster, etc.) from spider mites, rodent sawflies, aphids will help a solution of 60 grams of the product in 8 liters of water.

10 m² will require 2 liters. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is sprayed in the spring during budding. To prepare the solution, a larger volume of water is required than for other berry bushes - 3 liters per standard package of the drug in 60 grams. When processing 10 m², it takes about two liters.

In autumn, in the garden, to obtain a good harvest in the future, sea buckthorn cuttings are dipped for several minutes in a freshly prepared solution, placed in a plastic bag, tied and left for a day.

Fruit trees. These trees are often damaged by weevils, ticks, leafworms, sawflies, moths, shields, cherry flies. The first time the trees are sprayed during the swelling of the buds and the beginning of budding, the second - a month before the start of picking berries.

The first time it is necessary to treat Karbofos, during the swelling of the kidneys.

The instructions for use in the garden recommends diluting 60 grams of insecticide in 8 liters of water for cherries, cherries, plums, in 6-8 liters of water for quinces, pears, apple trees, in 10 liters for processing apricots, peaches, nectarines.

5 liters of solution for a single tree is enough for citrus fruits. The last treatment is carried out 50 days before collection.

Strawberry wild-strawberry). Karbofos is effective in combating the main enemies of strawberries - strawberry weevils and ticks.The berry is treated until the spring mass exit of weevils to the surface at a soil temperature of + 8 ° C during the laying of buds.

From mites, each bush of strawberries is watered in August-September after they harvested and cleaned the plantation from dry leaves. After treatment, the berry is covered for 6-12 hours.

The concentration of the working solution is 60 grams of malathion per 8 liters.

Precautions for use and storage

When using in the garden and storing kalbofos, the following rules must be observed:

  • Keep out of reach of children and pets at a temperature of -20 ° C to +35 ° C for no more than three years. Do not allow heat. Keep away from fire.
  • When spraying shrubs and trees, the adjacent beds are covered with any covering material.
  • During the procedure, wear protective equipment: rubber gloves, a respirator, special clothing, and glasses. When preparing the solution, processing should not drink, eat, smoke.
  • After work, the clothes must be changed, rinse open areas of the body under running water with plenty of soap, rinse your mouth.
  • Do not mix with other drugs.
  • To prevent insecticide from entering water bodies, do not carry out protective work in the garden during or immediately before rain.
  • Use protective equipment when spraying karbofos.

Reviews about the drug Karbofos

Despite the emergence of new drugs, judging by the reviews, karbofos is still in service.

Denis Markov. We still have kalbofos in stores, although they say that it was banned, but I continue to use it, I trust old and proven drugs. ”

Katya Zavyalova. I always keep the kalbofos stock in the country, his spectrum is vast, it will help from everything.

Igor Kalabukhov. Karbofos would walk through the trees. It is not absorbed. Three weeks before eating the berries will pass, and it will decompose.

Karbofos: instructions for use in the garden

Karbofos is a broad-spectrum insecticide that protects the plants of your garden from pests. This drug has long been proven to be reliable, and its effectiveness in the fight against aphids, moths, weevils and other bugs has been tested by time.

Karbofos is a tan mass with a pungent aroma (which completely disappears after use), which mixes well with water and does not lose its toxic qualities even in a cold environment. This substance penetrates the body of the insect and instantly paralyzes it. On sale, the drug is found in powder form.

If you use it for treating plants in open ground, it must be borne in mind that when exposed to sunlight and wind, its effect from spraying quickly decreases. This property is a significant advantage compared with the action of other toxic insecticides.

Many gardeners from year to year use kalbofos in the garden from insects to protect their plantings. Such spraying will help to protect ornamental plants, melons, trees (both fruit and coniferous), berry bushes from pests. Thus, most of the vultures will be destroyed, and nothing will prevent the plants from growing and bearing fruit.

When working with karbofos, the following warnings should be considered:

  • Do not make mixtures of it and other means;
  • prepare a solution against insects immediately before use;
  • Do not spray plants when flowers appear on them and ovaries form;
  • carry out the procedure in calm weather, when the air temperature does not exceed 17 ° C;
  • to process trees and bushes no more than 2 times per season;
  • spray only wearing protective clothing, and then wash your face and hands well, rinse your mouth;
  • Keep away from fire, medicine and food;
  • Avoid contact with children and animals;
  • the drug is dangerous for bees and can cause them severe harm when they collect nectar from flowers;
  • to exclude hit of means in reservoirs.

In order for the treatment of plants to be effective, it is necessary to observe the established proportions: for trees, the norm is 90g. 10 liters of water, and for bushes - 75 grams per bucket of liquid. When spraying a large tree, about 5-10 liters are consumed, and when processing a bush, about one and a half.

(It depends, of course, on what to use - a broom or a sprayer.) You can collect fruits and eat them only after at least a month has passed since the use of this product.

If you are faced with the fact that your trees in the garden were affected by pests, then the next year, right from the beginning of spring, you need to start a thorough fight against them. But since “karbofos” does not affect egg laying, processing should begin when larvae and adults already appear. This period occurs during the swelling of the kidneys.

The second spraying of the trees should be carried out when the budding period begins. When flower buds turn pink, ticks, aphids, sawflies and other insects begin to show their activity.

In addition to fruit trees, karbofos solution also needs to be treated with bushes. For example, currants and gooseberries are susceptible to damage from spider mites. Spraying is first carried out when the buds open, and then immediately before flowering.

Those gardeners who grow strawberries in their plots know well how much damage insect pests can do to the beds. From the destructive actions of strawberry weevil, even on the most ideal beds, buds fall, and, therefore, no ovaries form.

To avoid this, you need to start processing the beds with a solution of karbofos, when the earth warms up to 8C ° - it is during this period that the weevil begins to spread.

Another pest that adversely affects the strawberry crop is the strawberry mite, which prevents the plant from accumulating juice. Due to its distribution, strawberry bushes weaken, the leaves are deformed, and the berries become small.

In this case, spraying should be carried out after the fruiting period. After trimming, the sockets are watered with a preparation (60 grams per 8 liters) and covered with a film.

Experienced gardeners have long and very successfully used spraying with a solution of the organophosphorus drug "Karbofos", noting its excellent properties in comparison with analogues. This tool is recommended for use in personal plots and gardens.

Spraying will give an excellent effect on the development, growth and fruiting of plants, increase the volume and quality of the harvested crop.

Follow the instructions and spraying rules, strictly follow the recipe when preparing the solution, and you can take care of the health of your plantings yourself.

How to apply kalbofos in the garden? Dosage and reviews

The main active ingredient of the drug is the organophosphorus compound malathion. It is one of the few products approved for use in gardens.

Karbofos belongs to the category of insecticides. It has an unpleasant odor of a specific nature, which after some time disappears without a trace. When the drug is combined with water, a stable emulsion forms, which can be used to spray plants. The product belongs to the category of highly toxic insecticides.

The advantage over other analogue drugs is the short duration of the active substance, limiting it to 14 days, after which malathion, as a chemical compound, decomposes into components.

Need for application

Karbofos is used in case of damage to plants and tree leaves by bugs, sucking and leaf-eating insects.

Most often, pests affect crops:

  • fruit and berry;
  • citrus;
  • vegetable;
  • grapes.

How to apply?

Due to the fact that kalbofos belongs to the category of drugs of toxic effects on the viability of living cells, you need to work with it using personal protective equipment:

  • medical or rubber gloves;
  • respirator;
  • glasses;
  • clothes that completely cover the human body (trousers and blouse with long sleeves).

After preparing the solution of the required concentration, the value of which depends on the type of pest that must be controlled, it is necessary to spray the damaged object with the help of special equipment - a sprayer.

Conditions for a successful pest control:

  1. The procedure must be carried out with a freshly prepared solution until the surface of the plant leaf is completely wetted.
  2. Air temperature should not exceed 15 ° С.
  3. The weather should be calm and dry.
  4. The optimal time for processing is morning or evening.
  5. Effective treatment carried out in early spring at the first sign of pests. It is forbidden to spray after the beginning of flowering plants. Pest control in the period after harvesting is allowed.
  6. You can not carry out the processing of crops more than 2 times per season.

Step-by-step instruction

A spray liquid is prepared by mixing the main preparation with water. In this case, water is added to karbofos gradually, constantly mixing the solution until a homogeneous suspension is formed.

The protective effect of kalbofos persists for 2 weeks. Maximum exposure is achieved after 4 hours.

When preparing a working solution, it should be borne in mind that its preparation for each crop and for each pest is different.

Apple, pear and quince are exposed to moth, leafworm, scutellaria, weevil and cherry fly. To treat trees from pests, 60 g of the drug is dissolved in 7 l of water. The consumption rate for each young tree is 2 liters, for fruiting - up to 10 liters.

Plums, cherries and cherries are exposed to leafworms, gall midges, kidney moths, scabies and sawflies. To destroy these pests, a 60-gram packet should be dissolved in 8 liters of water. On 1 tree you need to spend no more than 1.5 liters of the drug.

To process apricot and peach from the moth and leafworm, the karbofos package is dissolved in 10 l of water. For a young tree, 2 liters of the drug will suffice, and for the fruit bearing it is necessary to use all 10 liters.

Currants, gooseberries and raspberries are susceptible to scale insects, kidney moths, gall midges and weevils. To spray cultures, the package of the drug is dissolved in 8 l. The consumption rate is 1.5 liters per object. Processing is carried out immediately before flowering and after harvesting.

Grapes are affected by spider mites, phylloxera and mealybug. With a solution obtained from a pack of karbofos and 8 liters of water, it is necessary to spray the territory at the rate of 1.5 liters for every 10 square meters. m

Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are often annoyed by whiteflies, aphids, sprouts and spider mites. To combat these pests, you need to spray the territory at the rate of 1 liter per 10 square meters. m. The solution is prepared by dissolving 60 g of malathion in 10 liters of water.

Security measures

When storing the drug, when preparing a solution for spraying damaged trees and plants and during insecticidal treatment, certain rules for the safe handling of the drug should be followed:

  • Do not eat or drink fluids.
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to carry out a change of clothes, which together with the applied personal protective equipment should be subjected to special treatment in the form of washing.
  • Upon completion of the work, you need to wash, do not forget to clean the contents of the inner nasal cavity, and wash your hands thoroughly. All procedures should be carried out using soap.
  • It is forbidden to carry out drug treatment near water bodies.
  • You can not spray the vegetation during periods of flowering.This is due to the fact that flowers attract bees, for which kalbofos is a poison.
  • When heated, the preparation decomposes, therefore, when performing all procedures, including preparation of the solution and storage of the initial product, temperature increase should be avoided.
  • Storage of the drug should be carried out in a dry place away from fire.
  • Storing kalbofos with food or medicine can lead to poisoning.
  • Animals and children should not have access to malathion.
  • It is unacceptable to use when mixing with other analog preparations.

Estimated Cost

Karbofos belongs to the category of economical insecticides due to the high concentration of the drug, which allows to prepare large volumes of working solution, and low cost. The packaging price of kalbofos depends on the amount of the drug in it.

The manufacturer produces an insecticidal agent of various weights:

  • 30 grams;
  • 60 grams;
  • 1000 grams.

The cost of packaging with 30 grams corresponds to 30 rubles, from 60 grams - 60 rubles.

It’s more profitable to buy a liter package for 150 rubles.


Antnonina, 56 years old, the city of Kazan. Home tortured bugs. What I just didn’t try, I couldn’t get them out. Every morning after waking up, I found on my body small red spots that terribly scratched and caused a lot of cosmetic inconvenience.

I was advised to use karbofos. Despite its toxic properties to others, I decided. She prepared the solution, put on glasses, a scarf, a respirator, rubber gloves and a tracksuit.

I sprayed the whole apartment with a solution. She closed the windows and went to her friend at night. The next morning I came, aired, by the way, the smell quickly disappeared, washed everything and began to wait for the result. A year has passed. I forgot about bugs, it seems, forever.

Irina, 45 years old, Moscow region. In the country, recently I planted young apple trees. I admired them, my eyes rejoiced. But attacked my apple tree aphids. The leaves began to curl, and the black merciless insects began to multiply at great speed.

Having rummaged in the bowels of the Internet, I learned about a unique drug - karbofos, which was able to solve my problems in 4 hours. Having prepared the solution according to the instructions, I processed the affected apple trees, spraying not only diseased leaves, but also healthy ones. Aphids died right before our eyes. I saved my trees.

Anton, 67 years old, Belgorod region. I treated sea buckthorn from gall mites with karbofos. The instant result was obvious.

I prepared the solution based on the packaging of 60 grams, which I diluted in 3 liters of water. Before planting, he dipped the cuttings into the solution. My sea buckthorn, although still small, has already blossomed, delighting its master.

Karbofos, instructions for use and useful tips

Karbofos - instructions for use contain detailed information about the drug, it is actively used to destroy insects that harm vegetables and other plants growing in the garden, so it helps to get rid of garden ants, ticks, bugs, cockroaches and other “animals” ...

To date, there are many means known to combat parasites and harmful insects in the garden and in the garden. However, experienced owners of summer cottages still give preference to the usual Karbofos, which has established itself over many years of its existence.

Karbofos is an organophosphorus compound; it is a powerful insecticide that contains a substance such as malathion. Entering into interaction with water, Karbofos turns into an emulsion of a uniform consistency. When exposed to conditions with subzero temperatures, the emulsion becomes thicker, but does not lose its toxic qualities.

Karbofos is produced for plants in various forms, it can be powder, capsules, liquids, tablets, etc.Regardless of the form of release, the drug in its composition has a substance that gives it an unpleasant pungent smell. For humans and pets, this smell is not dangerous, moreover, it disappears quite quickly.

Characteristics and scope

Karbofos has the following characteristics:

  1. The drug gives the desired effect only with a direct contact with an insect, if the parasite managed to escape from treatment, it will not die, and will continue to multiply;
  2. Spraying protects only those elements of plants that directly fall on, insects caught in the treatment zone die almost instantly;
  3. The action of Karbofos has a short time, in direct sunlight the drug quickly disintegrates and loses its effectiveness. Once in open ground, the decay process lasts no more than 10 days. From vegetables and other garden crops, the substance is completely excreted in a week;
  4. The drug is effective for the destruction of almost all parasitic insects and their larvae.

Spraying with Karbofos is a method of getting rid of pests, widely used in such fields of activity as agriculture, forestry, all types of pest control. Actively used composition for the destruction of pests in warehouses with food and stocks of seeds.

In horticulture, this insecticide is used to kill parasites such as aphids, spider mites, tinkers, weevils, garden moths, whiteflies, etc.

However, it is important to know that this drug is toxic for beneficial insects, such as bees, bumblebees and other pollinators. Therefore, it is not recommended to spray it during the active phase of flowering of fruit crops and vegetables. Not used Karbofos near hives.

How to use Karbofos, the instructions for use tell you in detail, you should do this work on a warm, sunny, calm day, when the air warms up to +15 degrees Celsius and only a fresh solution will be effective.

Spraying should be plentiful. The solution should moisten the stem and foliage of the plant well. In many ways, the dosage depends on the cultivated area, the degree of damage to the plant, as well as on the specific type of parasites that need to be destroyed.

Instructions for use

Each plant has its own processing characteristics. Raspberries are processed at the very beginning of spring before they enter the flowering phase, the second processing stage is recommended after harvesting. After such spraying, the shrub will get rid of pests such as moths, mites, weevils, etc., and a solution is prepared in a proportion of 75 g per 10 liters of water;

Thanks to the use of Karbofos, currants are reliably protected from leafworms, aphids, scale insects, etc. You need to process the bush three times a season: when the buds open, during the formation of flowers, a month before harvesting. The solution is prepared in the same way as for raspberries.

Flower shrubs (jasmine, roses, etc.) Karbofos also protects against aphids, spider mites and other parasites. Proportions for processing: 60 g of the drug per 8 liters of water. Processing should be done after the plant has faded.

Karbofos in the garden for processing trees and shrubs is effective in the fight against cherry flies, sawflies, weevils, etc. Primary processing is carried out at the beginning of budding, secondary - 30 days before harvest, in this case, the dosage is 60 g per 8 liters of water.

Karbofos for strawberries is an excellent tool for the destruction of strawberry mites. It is necessary to spray the bushes of this berry in early autumn, when the last fruits have already been taken. After processing, the bush needs to be covered for several hours.

How to use and store the product safely

Using Karbofos from ants, aphids, leafworms and other parasitic insects, it is important to observe safety measures:

  • Keep the product away from children, animals, away from open flames and other sources of heat;
  • During the processing of a certain type of plant, neighboring plantings should be covered with a film or other coating;
  • You need to work with the drug with gloves and a respirator, glasses. Do not eat while preparing the solution!
  • After work, clothes must be changed and washed open skin areas;
  • Do not use Karbofos, the instructions for use of which this confirms, in combination with other means;
  • Do not spray in cloudy weather or in the rain to prevent toxic substances from entering water bodies.

Karbofos is an effective tool that allows you to quickly destroy any parasites in your personal plot.

Karbofos - instructions for use for plants, reviews

Although store shelves abound with modern and high-quality insect repellents, gardeners and farmers prefer the reliable and time-tested drug Karbofos.

This medium toxicity insecticide is designed to kill a wide variety of garden pests.

It is for insects the strongest poison of neuro-paralytic action, it is used for long-term protection of vegetable, berry and fruit crops, vineyards, melons and flowers.


Karbofos is an organophosphorus insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. In farms and household plots, it is used for spraying agricultural plants and processing greenhouses; at home, it helps to remove ticks and other pests from furniture. Also, the drug is actively used by sanitary services for disinfection of premises.

The active substances of Karbofos are organophosphorus compounds with high toxic properties. The toxic chemical is highly soluble in water, forms a uniform emulsion.

At a negative temperature, it turns into a thick mass, but does not lose its poisonous qualities. The drug has increased volatility, which must be taken into account when processing enclosed spaces in hot weather.

Karbofos is included in the list of insecticides of moderate danger to humans and animals, but not very toxic to plants. Manufacturers produce it in any possible form and concentration, with or without active additives: in the form of ampoules with a liquid solution, powders, tablets, emulsions.

The most famous and popular brands: Iskra-M, Alatar, Fenaksin, Antiklesh, Fufanon, Inta-TsM. All of the above preparations contain components with a pungent and irritating odor, which is required to prevent the risk of poisoning of people and pets. But it should be noted that the smell is unstable, it evaporates quite quickly.

Chemical composition and main active ingredient

Karbofos is popular among gardeners and gardeners due to its high efficiency. Its main active ingredient is malathion - dithiophosphoric acid ester.

It is a colorless oily substance with a strong and unpleasant odor, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, slowly soluble in water, and when combined with oxidizing agents, forms malaoxon - a more active and toxic substance.

Getting on the chitinous shell of insects, malathion instantly has a toxic effect.

Action Features

Karbofos refers to contact pesticides, that is, it destroys an insect only in contact with it. The pest, who managed to avoid direct poison poison, remains alive and continues to multiply.

The drug has a short period of protective effect on plants, is rapidly destroyed by the sun, wind and rain moisture. It completely disappears after application on open ground after 10 days, and in greenhouses after a week.

In other words, plants are cleared of toxic compounds after about 7 days.Karbofos is a broad-spectrum insecticide: it kills several types of agricultural pests and their larvae.

It is not recommended to use the drug regularly, as insects can form resistance - immunity to its active components. The main advantage of Karbofos is the almost instant destruction of all known pests.

What pests are used

Insecticide has ample opportunities for use. It is used by foresters, farmers and agricultural specialists, sanitary services, doctors and ordinary people to disinfect residential premises.

In the food industry, gardening and gardening, Karbofos is considered the best remedy against herbivorous insects, their larvae and caterpillars that live on cultivated plants, as well as in warehouses for food and seed products.

The drug effectively destroys the following types of pests:

  1. aphids;
  2. red and spider mite;
  3. weevil;
  4. moth;
  5. a copper flask;
  6. sawfly;
  7. powdery worm;
  8. scabbard;
  9. kidney moth;
  10. cicada
  11. whitefly;
  12. bean fire;
  13. pea weevil.

Also, the insecticide can be used at home to combat flies, bed bugs and thrips that affect indoor plants. You should know that spraying with Karbofos is deadly for beneficial insects, which include bees.

Therefore, the drug is strictly prohibited to use during the period of active flowering of honey plants, as well as spray at a distance of less than five kilometers from the apiary.

Instructions for use

The easiest and most effective way to use Karbofos in the garden and in the garden is spraying. The event must be carried out only in sunny and calm weather in the absence of any precipitation.

It is advisable to spray in the morning or evening, when the air temperature does not exceed + 15 ° C. The solution for the procedure cannot be prepared in advance, it must be fresh.

All green parts of plants should be completely moistened, try not to leave untreated areas. The dosage is calculated based on the area of ​​the site, the degree of pest damage, types of crops and the insects themselves. During the growing season, it is recommended to spray the plants no more than two times.

Raspberries. The first time raspberry bushes are sprayed with Karbofos in the early spring before the appearance of flowers, the second time after the collection of berries. A ten-liter bucket requires 75 grams of the drug. For ten shrubs, you need to use two liters of working solution.

Currant. Processing currant bushes is performed three times during the growing season: when opening the buds, when blossoming flowers and a month before the berries ripen. In a ten-liter bucket of water 75 grams of insecticide are bred.

For one shrub, you need to use 1.5 liters of solution. If currants are very strongly affected by spider mites or red mites, then in late autumn it is necessary to additionally treat Karbofos 2% concentration of plant branches and soil.

Gooseberry. Gooseberry treatment with Karbofos is enough to be done once during the growing season - a month before picking berries. An eight-liter bucket of water requires 60 grams of the drug. A liter of working solution is enough for one shrub.

Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is treated by Karbofos in late spring during the period of bud formation. The plant needs a solution of a much higher concentration than is needed for all other berry crops: 60 grams of the insecticide dissolves in a three-liter bucket of water.

On 10 m2 of the area occupied by sea buckthorn bushes, it is necessary to use two liters of working solution.

Strawberry. Strawberries are sprayed with Karbofos in the spring during the period of bud formation, when the soil temperature reaches + 8 ° C.

If the berry is strongly affected by ticks, then in early September after harvesting, it is necessary to treat each bush with the preparation. After the procedure, strawberries should be covered with a film for 12 hours. The concentration of the solution is standard: 60 grams of insecticide in an eight-liter bucket of water.

Ornamental shrubs. Karbofos treatment of jasmine, lilac, acacia, rosehip, barberry and other ornamental shrubs should be carried out before the formation of flowers, and after they wither.

The working solution has a standard concentration: 60 grams of the drug per eight-liter bucket. On 10 m2 of the area reserved for ornamental vegetation, you need to use two liters of insecticide.

Fruit trees. The first time Karbofos spraying fruit trees is carried out during the budding period, the second time - a month before harvesting. For processing pears and apple trees, it is necessary to dilute 60 grams of the drug in six liters of water, for cherries, plums, cherries - in eight liters, for apricot or peach trees - in ten liters.

Rules for the use and storage of insecticide

The pesticide should be stored out of the reach of children and pets at temperatures from -20 ° C to + 25 ° C. Shelf life is usually not more than three years. The drug can not be heated, brought to an open fire, mixed with other chemicals.

Before carrying out the plant treatment procedure, it is necessary to wear chemical protection means: a respirator, glasses, a working apron, rubber gloves. Being next to the prepared solution, it is forbidden to eat and smoke.

When spraying trees and shrubs, neighboring plants or beds should be covered with a film or any other protective material. After work, clothes must be changed, and face and hands should be washed with soap.

Reviews about the drug

Tamara, housewife. I was convinced from my own experience that Karbofos is the best way to fight cockroaches. I live in a hostel. Mustachioed bastards crawled to us from our neighbors. A long and stubborn war began.

She didn’t want to strangle chemistry, so she fought with folk remedies: she put wormwood under the mattresses, smeared the baseboards with valerian. Believe me, there’s no sense. I had to take up the "heavy artillery." From Karbofos uninvited guests died almost instantly. I don’t know how long he helped.

Tatyana, social worker. One morning, I found small red dots on my body. I guessed it was the bites of bed bugs. Immediately carefully examined the bed. First I found two insects on the sheet, and when I lifted the mattress ... dear mother! The whole bed was swarming with parasites.

Without hesitation for a long time, she doused both the mattress and the furniture with Karbofos and, just in case, she treated the walls with a means. Two weeks later, repeated the procedure. Kota had to give his parents for a while so that he would not suffocate, but now I sleep peacefully - the bugs do not bother.

Andrey Ivanovich, pensioner. Last year, planted young apple trees in his country house. Could not stop looking. But, see, jinxed. Attacked my aphid trees. I reviewed all the sites, re-read all the magazines and finally found the best tool that works very quickly.

I got Karbofos, prepared the solution according to the instructions, processed the apple trees completely, from roots to tops. And what do you think? The aphid has died right before our eyes! In general, I saved my beauties.

Sergey, farmer. I grow sea buckthorn. This year I had to fight with gall mites. Used a reliable and proven tool - Karbofos.

I use it constantly, I get an instant positive result. By the way, before planting young buckthorn cuttings in the ground, I advise you to dip them in a solution of the drug.

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